Boston, Part I

“There is about Boston a certain reminiscent and classical tone, suggesting an authenticity and piety which few other American cities possess.”

E.B. White

After almost two years of no work travel, I was thrilled that my first post-pandemic trip was to Regis College in Weston, MA, just outside of Boston. The timing was perfect as I had just wrapped up an excruciating refresher course on American history and now I was going to visit the birthplace of America. So I had Sam Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Paul Revere on my mind.

Being from Colorado where our oldest building might come from the late 18th-century, I was woefully unprepared for how old much of Boston is (OK, old by American standards). And how European! While lovely, I was also unprepared for how moved I would be visiting the sites documenting the birth of America. I don’t go in for ‘Murica! and all of that, but seeing the Granary Burying Ground, the Old North Church, and other historical, American landmarks, it was nice to feel a little more pride in my country than I’ve been feeling of late.

I took so many pictures. Here’s a handful from the first half of my full-day Boston walking tour. If you want to read more about the trip, I log my travels on Find Penguins: Regis College, May 2022.

Faneuil Hall’s Golden Gasshopper Weathervane (Leica TL2 + Vario-Elmar TL 1:3.5-5.6 / 18-56 ASPH, ISO100, f65.6, 1/1250)
Old State House (Leica TL2 + Vario-Elmar TL 1:3.5-5.6 / 18-56 ASPH, ISO 100, f5.6, 1/160)
A lovely spring day at Boston Public Gardens (Leica TL2 + Vario-Elmar TL 1:3.5-5.6 / 18-56 ASPH, ISO 100, f7.1, 1/160)
It would be rude not to. (Apple iPhone, Hipstamatic X, Robusta film, Victoria Lens)
Following the Freedom Trail (Leica TL2 + Vario-Elmar TL 1:3.5-5.6 / 18-56 ASPH, ISO 320, f7.1, 1/100)
Atop the Old State House (Leica TL2 + Vario-Elmar TL 1:3.5-5.6 / 18-56 ASPH, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/160)
Tow zone? (Leica TL2 + Vario-Elmar TL 1:3.5-5.6 / 18-56 ASPH, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/80)

If you’re interested in seeing all my pictures from this Boston trip, check out my Flickr album, 2022 May Boston.

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