Around Town with the TTArtisan 35mm/f1.4

I made it out around Denver a few times in September, shooting with my Leica TL2 and the TTArtisan 35mm/f1.4. Why would I take this out, when I have the Leica Summilux-TL 35mm/f1.4, you ask?

Size. While the Summilux is far superior, it’s also far bigger. Making me stand out far too much in certain situations. So, with the compact TTA, out I went. First for a quick walkabout on Colfax, just east of Colorado Blvd. An area with so much goodness, but I always get waylaid by Mezcal, lol. Then a few from Broadway. The TTArtisan 35mm/f1.4 didn’t give me many keepers, but the ones I did get were, well, keepers.

Another pandemic victim.
Abandoned motel along Colfax Avenue, which was once one of two principal highways serving Denver before the Interstate Highways System was constructed.
Scaring up customers at the barber shop. For some, it’s never too early for Halloween.
Bless this tequila. Mezcal, one of my favorite spots.
The Bluebird
Bluebird neon
She’s come undone
Another Denver mezcal spot
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